Monday, March 5, 2012

holding pattern in Galveston

We're still here .... enjoying the sound of the surf ..... and some beautiful weather.
Vera is still having dizziness and nausea from the Vertigo.  We just can't seem to get treatment for her .... first it was getting the "balance study" done at the vestibular clinic ... now her dr. is referring her to a neurologist but can't get an appointment till 29th .... meanwhile the balance study results came back today but the dr. hasn't reviewed it ....... just seems like a lot of kicking around - and no action.
We're all pretty bummed out about the lack of progress, let alone results ..... poor Vera is the one having to deal with the symptoms.  She has some good days, some 'so-so' and some not so good.

Later, Marilyn

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