Thursday, March 29, 2012

guardedly optimistic

We (Charlie, myself and three dogs) are anxiously watching Vera for signs of dizziness .... she's a little put off by our stares ..... she says "just wait and see".  
She had her (second opinion) Neurologist appt. this morning for the vertigo. He reconfirmed the diagnosis and gave her a treatment ..... and so far .... no more dizziness.  She had been having multiple episodes a day.  We are ..... waiting and watching.   But he said if it's not gone, to come back in one week for another session (and it might even require a third).  This sounds so much more positive than anything we've heard before!

Second, she got a new, smaller CPAP mask this morning ..... seems so much better.  I am hoping for great results.... I can already see an increase in her energy level; and she will be so much better oxygenated for the surgery.

We we will head for San Antonio in the morning for a week in the Hill Country.

Got our front windshield nite shade installed ..... so we have privacy at nite; but the sun shade portion doesn't work properly .... we will deal with it when we return.

Later, Marilyn

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