Thursday, February 23, 2012

Galveston, oh Galveston

We can "hear her sea breezes blowin" ...... with fog. Well actually .... FOG!  The temperature dropped almost 10 degrees on our way down from Pearland today; and we got here just before the fog rolled in.
Parked at the same place near Stewart Beach ..... I really like it here.

About Vera:  very great dissappointment this morning about the vertigo "treatment" .... they couldn't do anything because no one told her not to take her morning medications .... rescheduled for Monday.  BUT the most disappointment is that there won't be any treatment for a while .... hafta evaluate, test, etc, etc .... then the report goes to the doctor who decides if she should be treated.... then go back, etc, etc.  It's just like the sleep study: they drag out the process into three or more visits ..... seems to me like they are just charging more money than is necessary. Of course a big part is they are just covering the liability .... but it just doesn't seem fair to the patients.  Ok, off my soapbox.  
Vera, was VERY upset and disappointed ....  she has been so sick and dizzy for so long now and things just don't move very fast.


1 comment:

  1. So sorry to hear about Vera's disappointing appointment. I know she is ready to stop the ferris wheel ride. Hopefully it will resolve itself before the next appointment. Take care.
