Sunday, February 19, 2012

too much medical stuff

Vera is still having severe vertigo .... will see Dr. tomorrow for referral for "ear treatment".  She's really having a lot of different problems right now.  She is having an endoscopy tomorrow, sleep study on Tuesday,  and sees the hip Dr. on Wednesday.  She says everything is falling apart ..... I know it is discouraging for her.  It has been almost impossible for her to sit at the computer to handle grading, etc, for her students; so she has officially gone on sick leave for the remainder of the semester. Please remember her in prayer for getting all systems settled down.

Meanwhile, we have to leave here on the 23rd because the campground is reserved full and they don't have a place for us. We will bounce back down to Galveston for a while.  We enjoy it down there but it is an hour and a half drive to the Medical Center (one way).

We are using the time for ... paperwork, taxes, reading, and enjoying gatherings of our friends.
I'll keep you posted.

Later, Marilyn

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