Wednesday, February 22, 2012

We have a plan !!

The big news here today is that Vera will be having a hip replacement on April 9th.  We think this is good news, and of course ...  a little scary.  But the way we look at it is: anytime a reputable doctor tells you he can 'fix it' (no matter what 'it' is) ..... is good news.  
And the bottom line is we want to get her back to hiking with us as soon as possible.

This gives us a time frame to schedule around .... which will be good .... gets us off dead center.
Tomorrow we will move the motorhome back to Galveston (they don't have space for us here past today) and stay until March 11 when we will leave for Arizona for a short visit, then be back here by April 9. 

Tomorrow morning Vera has a two and one half hour visit at the Vestibular Clinic ...... I hope she comes out withOUT the dizziness.


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