Sunday, February 12, 2012

furnace failed again

Still in Galveston, 32 degrees this morning ...... no heat ..... went to the bathroom in the wee hours of the morning ..... furnace is blowing COLD air.   What is wrong with this picture: every time it gets really cold, our furnace fails (for a variety of reasons).  OK, this time it's on me ...... monitor gauge says we have NO propane ...... oopsie-e-e !!
Out come the electric heaters again .... we're wearing them out just pulling them in and out of the storage compartments below.

We had intended to leave Galveston on Friday (day before yesterday), because Mardi Gras started that evening ...... and we were thinking to avoid the big crowds and the increase in cost of everything including our camping space.
But then we reconsidered.  It did occur to us that our wishing to avoid crowds and such, was probably an age related thing. None of us had ever been to a Mardi Gras, and decided we should experience it.
Went to two out of the five parades this weekend (next weekend is the really "big" weekend - no, we are not staying) ; and it was fun.  One parade was around the Historic Strand area downtown, and featured an "Umbrella Hokey Pokey" attempt for a Guinness World Record for the largest 'choreographed dance'.  One thousand five hundred and three people (with decorated umbrellas) did the hokey pokey for five minutes and broke the record previously held by some foreign country that I can't remember right now (another age thing).
We caught lots of strings of beads thrown from the floats (not sure what this tradition stems from) and it was pretty much like an old fashioned, old time parade with marching high school bands, lots of jazz music .... fun ..... didn't get to see the Clydesdale horses though. They were supposed to lead several of the parades but I missed whichever ones they were. 
A friend had a big birthday dinner Saturday nite for Vera, (she's the one getting old-er, not us). 

So, in the morning we will pack up the rig and travel about 50 minutes back to our favorite campground in Pearland, south of Houston. Vera sees the 'back doctor' on Wednesday, then the 'hip doctor' the next week. (see, I told you she was the old-er one) ..... we poke fun at her a lot .... she doesn't SEEM to mind. But maybe we should be careful .... she IS the official cook for this expedition.


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