Saturday, July 14, 2012

Milwaukee riverfront

Charlie and I dropped Vera off at the casino and headed downtown to explore and find a nice place to eat.  What we found was absolutely astounding. The Milwaukee River runs right through downtown near where it dumps into Lake Michigan.  The old riverfront has been revitalized with nice wide walkways along the sides (no shore, just boardwalks and boat slips) ..... and lots of restaurants on outside patios ..... reminds me somewhat of San Antonio, and maybe a small Venice; but this was way more "upscale".  The high rise buildings of downtown, along with renovated old midrise warehouses crowd the river as it curves thru.  There are many, many "young professionals" that live in the condos and apartments that line the river.  And many seem to have expensive speed type boats (mini-yachts) in which they cruise up and down the river, stopping to tie up to the docks at their favorite eatery/bar.  The few streets that cross the river are drawbridges of various designs.... so when a cruise boat or taller yacht go thru they have to stop downtown traffic and raise all the bridges as the boat moves along.  It was really a new atmosphere for me; and very relaxing and interesting.  We sat there for a couple of hours ...... until we remembered Vera.

The other part of the story is that I took some really good pictures and was determined to come back to the motorhome, download them and include a couple with this blog.  Well, as you know I've not yet mastered the process .... so I asked Vera for help ..... and she broke the camera (trying to download). 
Actually, I think her computer has some problems anyway ..... but the result is that we do not have pictures .... nor do we have a camera for three weeks while Best Buy sends it off for repair.  So I'm just going to quit promising pictures...... maybe someday you'll be surprised.

Today we came on up the coast to Green Bay, Wisconsin.  We'll stay here until Tuesday... we have several tours, and things we want to see.  Green Bay is much smaller than I had thought .... only about one hundred thousand.  So we have not gotten lost even once - yet.

Later, Marilyn

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