Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Packer pride

We've experienced Green Bay really well.  We always enjoy the times when we do chores, run errands, etc. in the towns/cities where we stay ..... because we feel more connection to the "place". You get a better feel of the atmosphere of the town/city, when you shop and interact with more people. 
In Green Bay we have shopped groceries, eaten out twice, been to Best Buy, NuWay Laundromat, The Art of Hair (for haircuts), and of course several Starbucks. We have concluded that Green Bay is an extremely friendly town; very laid back, ...... and very, very loyal to their Packers!
I didn't know that the team is owned by the people (shareholders), instead of one "owner" who (is entitled to) impose his own decisions on the team (and therefore the fans). 
Everyone we have talked to is extremely proud of their team .... not just loyal (and to me there is a big difference).
Actually when we took the tour of Lambeau Field, several things stood out to me:
- They have no intentions of building a new field .... they just keep updating and expanding (with the current expansion bringing the seating to over 80,000.
- They have no desire for a covered stadium .... part of the pride (and mystique ?) is that they are "roughing it".  Actually I learned there is a layer under the field that has 43 miles of (garden hose) that runs warm water thru it to help keep the snow/ice to a minimum.
- Their stadium is nice, but not glitzy ..... just your basic clean old style football stadium .... even the skyboxes.   Refreshing.
- You cannot get a ticket to a game. All seats are season tickets; are all sold out (the waiting list is something like thirty thousand).   The only way you can buy single tickets is from the returns of the visiting team (which sell out in 2 seconds)..... so your best bet would be to get them in the visiting city .... and there are only 500 allotted for that purpose.
And then, we went to visit a cheese factory ...... and we found out that not only can you buy the "cheesehead" hats in the shape of a wedge of cheddar ...... but you can buy them in the shape of a cowboy hat!!..... Boy, was I tempted.
Later, Marilyn

1 comment:

  1. Hey My Friends,
    Hope you weren't in any of that bad weather yesterday. They showed a video of an awesome lightening display. However, in person it would have been frightening lightening.

    Go for the cowboy hat!
