Monday, July 30, 2012


We have seen sandhill cranes even alongside the roads; also wild turkey hens with their chicks.  This afternoon we were sitting on the beach watching the sunset; noting the similarities of this scene and one on the beach in Galveston.  Waves about the same, families playing/ swimming in the water (no surfboards though) .....
BUT .... this water is unsalted .... and shark free!
It is mind boggling to think this is just an inland lake (a very large one) .... and not an ocean.  But the big "but" is that the winter turns this one into a potentially deadly monster. Tomorrow Vera and Charlie are going on the glass bottom boat to tour the shipwrecks (I get seasick looking down the hole in the bottom of those boats).
Later, Marilyn

1 comment:

  1. I bet the water temp is a little different from the Galveston water temp. Thanks for sharing; I am getting much vicarious enjoyment out of your trip.
