Thursday, November 13, 2014

Connectivity ...... yeah !

I am sooooo glad to have our desktop computer back with internet.  We have some sort of amplifying antenna for the wifi in campgrounds..... which has to be reset each time we move...... and Vera is the one who knows how to do all that..... and Vera is still not back with us. 

Charlie and I haven't starved (quite the contrary), but we don't do this cooking thing too well. Not a day goes by that we don't say we don't know where something is or we don't know how to do something.... cause "Vera always does that".    So, do you get the picture that Vera is really missed?

Her sister Donna is not going to be able to be independent, and Vera has been committed to seeing that she gets the best therapies she can while in the rehab. unit of the nursing home.  But we are now planning strategies for picking her up, and heading back to Houston the first week of December.

In the meantime, Charlie and I finished our duties at the campground, and went into maintenance mode for the motorhome.  We had servicing done about 1 hour east of Asheville, then  went another 2 hours east to Greensboro, NC to have some foggy windows replaced..... we were stranded there for exactly a week without the big front drivers window.

We put the dogs in a kennel and took off in the car for The Outer Banks.  and let me tell you, they are a way out there !  Always heard about them, never been there.... so we went for four days.  It is an exceptionally beautiful place..... just not much there except sand, water, and an occasional lighthouse.
We did see the wild ponies on Ocracoke Island, and managed to get stuck in the beach sand.... rescued by two local fishermen..... and lots of beautiful sunsets in between.

So, here we are back in Asheville for a couple of weeks until we pick Vera up and head south. We'll have Thanksgiving with a group of friends who all live close around this area.
We've already had snow here a couple of times, and we have to be careful to keep our water from freezing.  Right now its 33 degrees and we have two heat lamps positioned under the motorhome where the tanks and water connections are.  We don't have any hoses hooked up, so we'll be ok for now. 

More later,

1 comment:

  1. So good to hear from you at last. Thought you had starved to death, or Cascade had swallowed you up!
