Sunday, November 16, 2014

sand, water and sunsets

We had to have a window replaced on the motorhome..... while it was out, Boo took advantage of a new perch:

Let me tell ya, the Outer Banks of North Carolina are .....  waaaaay    out there!
Very interesting, beautiful, ...... but not much there. 
Charlie and I managed to get the car stuck in the sand on a little road leading to the beach.  Two local fishermen got us out. As we backed out to the main road we saw that we must have passed a good sized sign that said we should have had 4 wheel drive to have attempted that road.    Someone was really quick in putting up that sign! :)

"light housecat" at Ocracoke Island

very chilly on the ferry

but awesome sunsets

and the grandest of all, Cape Hatteras Lighthouse:

In 1999 they moved this 208' tall lighthouse (think space shuttle style), 1600 feet inland, to protect it from shoreline erosion.

more later, Marilyn

1 comment:

  1. Welcome back to the Internet. I've missed you. Wow! Wow! Wow! What gorgeous pictures. I know you will be glad to get the cook back for more reasons than cooking. Hopefully her sister will continue to do improve in her new home. Can you believe it is this cold so early. It is 34 at 10 am today. Looking forward to your return.
