Tuesday, December 6, 2011

cool vs. cold

Did I say before that is was supposed to be 'cool' last nite?  .... Well, when you have not heat on during the nite, and there is cold air space under your home.... it gets 'cool-er' than is comfortable.  And wouldn't you know it .... this morning it was MY turn for dog duty (up first with the dogs, out to do business, in to feed, then out again for more business). 

It brought back childhood memories of winter on the farm up in north central Texas.  In winter we closed off most of the house and left it unheated, with towels along the bottom of the doors to block the air transfer. The main source of heat was the large fireplace in my grandparents bedroom, which was next to the kitchen. So when bedtime came around, I started dreading those cold sheets in the other bedroom down the hall.  This recollection brought to my mind a long forgotten (the original) use of the hot water bottle. To make it more tolerable, my grandfather would take the hot water bottle down the hall and put it in my bed, starting up near the top for a few minutes, then moved it down a little, then left it at the feet area and called me to 'run quick' from where I had been standing in front of the fireplace soaking up heat.  I think eventually they put a small bed for me in the room with the fireplace -- don't remember much about that -- only how cold it was running down that hallway and literally jumping into bed.

You should have seen me this morning dancing around on this cold floor with bare feet, until I could get those little electric heaters fired up.  Moccasins are on my Christmas wish list.

Later, Marilyn

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