Friday, December 16, 2011

Game plan change

Vera's doctor appointment generated some not so welcome news .... she will be having back surgery as soon as possible .... probably December 28th.   She actually has two distinct problems: 3 vertebrae in the lower back with stenosis, and an additional problem with the hip ..... so the back surgery may not take care of all the pain; and the hip may still need to be addressed in the future.  But this surgery has the best chance of fixing the largest percentage of pain.

So, in the meantime, we've moved on down to Galveston to enjoy Christmas with our friends here.  We are parked between Seawall Blvd. and East Beach at a new RV campground called The Sandpiper.  Actually, it is the "re-purposed" site of the former Sandpiper Motel ... which was obliterated by Hurricane Ike.  We like it very much, and can see the beach (several hundred yards away) and are within walking distance to a large portion of the east end of the Island.

Our RV furnace is still not fixed (we have two electric heaters); but the weather has been steadily warming up ... until today. When the sun went down this afternoon we got the heaters out. Low tonite to be.  We have an appointment at the RV repair place Monday morning. 

So ..... now we are readjusting our travel plans.  I imagine we'll be here through the month of January.
We had already been re-thinking our Alaska plans; thinking about going up the east coast this year and maybe over to the Great Lakes area ..... or up to Nova Scotia.  But we'll see how Vera does; and 'play it by ear'.

I hope everyone who reads this is having a great time with the Christmas preparations .... and at the same time remembering Whose birthday we are really celebrating.

Later, Marilyn


  1. I am so happy to know all of you! Thank you for sharing your blog with us... we are all better off because ya'll have shown us how to retire and really enjoy living life, instead of just letting everyday govern what we do. Ya'll have grabbed the life adventure, that most of us can only dream and wish for. Ya'll are an amazing inspiration. Thank you! I pray that Vera's surgery goes smoothly and ya'll are back on the road of life sooner than you thought. At least you're amongst friends and family here....people that all love ya'll dearly. Merry Christmas my wonderful friends! Melanie

  2. Hi Marilyn! And Merry Christmas to you both! I'm sorry to hear of Vera needing back surgery!! No fun at all.

    I'm glad I finally stumbled on your blog address! I'm way behind! It's been a busy fall for us. Charlie had his 50th high school reunion and his Mother's 100th birthday celebration, so we've been to KY twice. We had the whole family with us for the birthday party! And our kids and grandkids were here for Christmas but left yesterday evening, so we're trying to catch up a bit now. I have 1000 notes in my inbox. It's been awhile since I caught up with everything! ;-/

    Hope you're well. I'll be reading older posts later and finding out more about your last few months.
