Monday, December 5, 2011


When you live in a small space ... with 3 people and 3 dogs ..... large projects present a working surface shortage.   Ah-ha, that's what those recreation buildings are good for. This campground has a really large one with probably eight or so folding tables and chairs set up (plus the usual tv and couch area)..... so we just loaded the car with all the Christmas stuff and went down there ..... spread out over about 5 tables ... and spent several hours wrapping, etc.   We met a lot of people passing thru the building, just curious to see what all the mess was about.  Tomorrow, hopefully we'll get most of it mailed off.

Then later we went to do the laundry and just carried the finished loads of laundry next door to spread out on those same tables to fold.   We've started a new trend for the rec. room.
It is a nice facility, they have organized gatherings several times a week for anyone in the campground.  From pancake breakfasts on Saturdays, block parties with bring your own burgers/hot dogs, women's game nite, computer classes, etc. 

It is going to be quite cold tonite, and our furnace chose last nite to quit making heat.   The repair man came but couldn't get parts today, so we will have another cool nite.  It's not really so bad; we do have a couple of little ceramic heaters .... but I don't like to leave them running all nite.

Ms. Santa put up more lights outside on the lawn around our motorhome. In the front we have a wooden cutout of the word "Peace" ... with a nativity scene incorporated into it.... with a spotlight on it. All the comforts of home.

I saw the Chiropractor today and now I'm walking straight again!  Makes a big difference when your spine is aligned the way it's supposed to be. Doctors appointments this week .... I hope Vera gets some good information about her back or hip, whichever it is ..... because she is really having severe pain.

Later, Marilyn

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