Saturday, December 24, 2011

roar vs. crash

Here we are parked just a couple hundred yards from the shoreline, in Galveston, Texas.  The sound of the surf here is a roar, actually a rather loud roar, which is fairly constant.  I was remembering the sound of the surf in Oregon .... it was silence for a time, followed by loud crashing .... then silence, etc. Quite different; must have something to do with the bottom structure. These are much shallower waves and more frequent.

There has been stormy, rainy weather for most of this week .... not what we expected here ..... 40's some nites.  Low temperatures at night is not a big thing if you have a working furnace.  You know, I'm wondering if we're jinxed or something .... this is 4 times that we have been in cold temps without the furnace working ... go figure. We had it fixed on the way down to Galveston, worked fine for two days, until we had a severe blowing rainstorm at 3 am one morning .... blew some circuits (we had a lot of extension cords outside with Christmas lights); now the furnace won't light... different reason but same result (no heat). We've reset breakers, GFI's, etc.  to no avail.
Now our dilemma is compounded by having the satellite dish frozen in the raised position (with no power to lower it), so we cannot drive it down the road to the RV repair place; and there are no mobile repair services in this region. AND it's a holiday weekend.  SO, we will live with it until Monday morning and try a regular Electrician to come out to see if he can track the problem down.   Good thing we have a couple of hot circuits still working for our electric heaters.

We have been enjoying getting together with friends, both here and Houston. 

Vera's back surgery has been rescheduled for Jan. 4th.  She had the pre-op tests done Friday, so she just shows up at 6am on the 4th.  She has nerve compression at three different locations in the lower back - no disc problems, just stenosis from bone growth and scar tissue from a back surgery in 1973.  Several of our Nurse Practitioner friends have expressed concern she will be able to get up the rather steep steps of our motorhome for a while.  Don't know ... guess we'll have to give it some thought.

Merry Christmas to everyone; remember He is the true reason we celebrate.

Later, Marilyn

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