Monday, April 30, 2012

tick pickin

Vera is doing so well !!  Nothing much to expound upon there, thank goodness .... she's doing rehab 3 days a week, and today she even graduated from the walker.  He said only use it when she's out for long periods, or gets tired.

But we do have another subject to report on .... the focus of our lives right now .... The Tick War.   I have never imagined ticks could be such invasive critters. I've heard of flea infestations; but this is horrifying.
We took literally everything out of all the cabinets, storage compartments, drawers, cuboards, .... everything. 
Now here's where living in a motorhome gets interesting:  the instructions from the pest control company were to take everything out, pile it on the beds, tables, chairs, or in the middle of the floors; and cover your belongings with sheets or towels.  .... ha !   and again I say "ha !"  This living space is about 400 sq.ft., which is nowhere near big enough to pile everything out and still get in here to spray. 
So ...... we bought those big plastic containers from Target and started emptying everything into them, then carrying them outside......... yeah, you guessed it: The Return of the Beveryly Hillbillys.
Well, news in a campground travels fast.  Last season we were known as those crazy ladies who went north in the winter.  This season we have something else to be famous for :)
So, now all the ticks that were hiding in the cracks and crevices .... are now seeking other shelter ..... there is a contstant parade across our floors.  So, there you have it ... we're tick pickin.

More later, Marilyn
P.S. The pest control man said to give it 7 days.  e-e-e-e-yew!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

much improvement.... with ticks

Our daily lives/ activities get better/ more normal every day (as far as Vera's hip recuperation goes). Today she walked 564 feet - wow!  She's "living with" the small amount of pain remaining; getting up and around by herself now.... using a walker most of the time.  We are very pleased and encouraged.

On a different note ..... we have ..... again ..........................ticks !  You may remember back in August we had quite an episode with them ..... well, we have them again.  The exterminator is coming Thursday.

Actually, we tried treating the motorhome ourselves ... sent the dogs off to be dipped and boarded, we went to a country feed store in Alvin and purchased some heavy duty dusting powder (the kind they put on cattle and horses) .... came home and (liberally) sprinkled in on the carpets (and sprayed the baseboards with the liquid version of it); scrubbed the powder into the carpet with a broom, let it sit overnite, then vacuumed.
Result:  we had to go to a motel because of the fumes, couldn't get the powder out of the carpet, plugged up the vacuum hoses with the powder...  And .... there is a fine layer of white "toxic" dust on everything.
Bottom line .... all we accomplished was to drive the ticks from the floors up the walls.
The professional exterminator guarantees results; but they have to do a followup treatment in 30 days.

So we'll be here a little longer.  That also gives Vera a chance to take advantage of the full 8 weeks of Physical Therapy that is being offered.

So ....... we're just hanging here .... maybe I can get some watercoloring done.

Later, Marilyn

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

What a difference

Vera's pain is much more bearable, tomorrow we get a Physical Therapy evaluation ..... things are lookin' up.

It's amazing, since she is so-o-o much better today, our thoughts have already turned to ...... travel. We've been discussing our next trip ..... what a difference pain medication (and prayer) can make.

Later, Marilyn

Monday, April 16, 2012

no marathons yet

Vera is having a LOT of pain; can't get it below 5-6 .... don't know if this is normal or not. She says there is absolutely no position that the hip is pain free. She's worked up to a 200' walk once a day, moving around from chair to bed to chair, etc. We have a call in to the Doctor to discuss it.  She is very frustrated, and therefore very emotional.
And today ..... the rain came.  Not any help in the psychological battle .... she will have to walk inside probably for a couple of days (remember our motorhome is only 38' long nose to tail).
Maybe more positive news later,

Friday, April 13, 2012

Tottering right along

We're home !! Vera is getting stronger every day, she is still having "7-8" pain sometimes, but getting around in the motorhome is not as unmanageable as we thought it might be (thanks to a really good Physical Therapist).  The first night, her nurse (me) forgot to wake her in the middle of the night/ early morning for a pain pill .... so she woke up miserable (can't get good help, etc.).
Today she walked outside over 100'; so things will progress I'm sure. We tease her about her 'tottering', but actually the tottering was when she had vertigo so badly. And anyway, tottering is allowed .... none of us are exactly spring chickens.
Later, Marilyn

Monday, April 9, 2012

so far so good

Vera's surgery went well, per the doctor .... and she seems so much stronger and more alert than she did post the January back surgery. I am pleased.  Of course I give lots of credit to the CPAP machine (which she kinda poo-poos) ... but it makes sense to me that if she is better oxygenated, she will be healthier .... more stamina, better healing capabilities, etc.
When I left she was rating her pain/discomfort at 7 or 8 (out of 10); so she's definitetely not having a picnic. It may be a l-o-o-ng nite for her.

I stayed until about 8:30 tonite at the hospital and came close to "losing" the car. The valet parking at the outpatient center closed at 9:00; and they were in the process of moving the "leftover" cars over to the main hospital garage.  For a few minutes there I had visions of having to sleep on the couch in Vera's room.

More tomorrow,

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Vera's big day

We would appreciate your prayers tomorrow for Vera's hip replacement to be successful; for wisdom for the doctors, and for her to be safe.
thank you,

Friday, April 6, 2012

paradise is BLUE

Inks Lake State Park is a lovely place; and the area is covered in bluebonnets.  It was wonderful .... like camping in paradise.
We are back in Houston (Pearland really) and Vera has had two more Vertigo treatments by the Neurologist. He says you don't have to live with it .... it can be fixed .... it's just that she happens to have a very stubborn case (wouldn't you know it).
She also had some pre-op stuff taken care of and is "looking forward to the new hip"; she said she would never have imagined she would say she is looking forward to surgery ..... but she is counting down the remaining days that she will have to "walk with pain".  Well ..... we reminded her that an 8 inch incision thru the glutes 'may' be a little problematic......   but only temporarily.
Hope everyone has a nice Easter Celebration ..... remembering that Jesus' sacrifice was for me ... and you.

Sunday, April 1, 2012


Tonight we are in Fredericksburg, and the country and roadsides are beautiful with wildflowers, particularly bluebonnets.  Quite a sight.  We saw Enchanted Rock today (the first time any of us has been there)...... now there is a BIG rock!  Quite a sight.  We saw Luckenbach, almost missed it.  That's the first time I've ever seen a remote parking lot for a whole town. Vera can't walk much at all now, so we do the driving tours... which is fine (and the dogs love it that they can go with us in the car).

While in San Antonio we watched the Texas Regional Senior Games, Badminton tournament.  Our Galveston friends all won medals and will be going to the Nationals in Cincinnati, Ohio.

Vera's dizziness is still there but she says it's a different feeling than before (and no nausea).  I guess those little crystals in the ear tubes just are so confused by now they can't find where they're supposed to be. We'll be back in Houston on Thursday for another treatment.

The atmosphere here in Fredericksburg is very relaxing, and in the evenings it is cool and pleasant.  Days have been pretty warm, but in the shade with a breeze its quite pleasant.
