Monday, April 30, 2012

tick pickin

Vera is doing so well !!  Nothing much to expound upon there, thank goodness .... she's doing rehab 3 days a week, and today she even graduated from the walker.  He said only use it when she's out for long periods, or gets tired.

But we do have another subject to report on .... the focus of our lives right now .... The Tick War.   I have never imagined ticks could be such invasive critters. I've heard of flea infestations; but this is horrifying.
We took literally everything out of all the cabinets, storage compartments, drawers, cuboards, .... everything. 
Now here's where living in a motorhome gets interesting:  the instructions from the pest control company were to take everything out, pile it on the beds, tables, chairs, or in the middle of the floors; and cover your belongings with sheets or towels.  .... ha !   and again I say "ha !"  This living space is about 400 sq.ft., which is nowhere near big enough to pile everything out and still get in here to spray. 
So ...... we bought those big plastic containers from Target and started emptying everything into them, then carrying them outside......... yeah, you guessed it: The Return of the Beveryly Hillbillys.
Well, news in a campground travels fast.  Last season we were known as those crazy ladies who went north in the winter.  This season we have something else to be famous for :)
So, now all the ticks that were hiding in the cracks and crevices .... are now seeking other shelter ..... there is a contstant parade across our floors.  So, there you have it ... we're tick pickin.

More later, Marilyn
P.S. The pest control man said to give it 7 days.  e-e-e-e-yew!

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