Tuesday, April 24, 2012

much improvement.... with ticks

Our daily lives/ activities get better/ more normal every day (as far as Vera's hip recuperation goes). Today she walked 564 feet - wow!  She's "living with" the small amount of pain remaining; getting up and around by herself now.... using a walker most of the time.  We are very pleased and encouraged.

On a different note ..... we have ..... again ..........................ticks !  You may remember back in August we had quite an episode with them ..... well, we have them again.  The exterminator is coming Thursday.

Actually, we tried treating the motorhome ourselves ... sent the dogs off to be dipped and boarded, we went to a country feed store in Alvin and purchased some heavy duty dusting powder (the kind they put on cattle and horses) .... came home and (liberally) sprinkled in on the carpets (and sprayed the baseboards with the liquid version of it); scrubbed the powder into the carpet with a broom, let it sit overnite, then vacuumed.
Result:  we had to go to a motel because of the fumes, couldn't get the powder out of the carpet, plugged up the vacuum hoses with the powder...  And .... there is a fine layer of white "toxic" dust on everything.
Bottom line .... all we accomplished was to drive the ticks from the floors up the walls.
The professional exterminator guarantees results; but they have to do a followup treatment in 30 days.

So we'll be here a little longer.  That also gives Vera a chance to take advantage of the full 8 weeks of Physical Therapy that is being offered.

So ....... we're just hanging here .... maybe I can get some watercoloring done.

Later, Marilyn

1 comment:

  1. Oh my, those testy pesty ticks. What an ordeal! So glad to hear Vera is getting around better. Hopefully by the end of therapy, Charlie and Marilyn won't be able to keep up with her. It's time for El Gallo soon, Vera.
