Friday, April 13, 2012

Tottering right along

We're home !! Vera is getting stronger every day, she is still having "7-8" pain sometimes, but getting around in the motorhome is not as unmanageable as we thought it might be (thanks to a really good Physical Therapist).  The first night, her nurse (me) forgot to wake her in the middle of the night/ early morning for a pain pill .... so she woke up miserable (can't get good help, etc.).
Today she walked outside over 100'; so things will progress I'm sure. We tease her about her 'tottering', but actually the tottering was when she had vertigo so badly. And anyway, tottering is allowed .... none of us are exactly spring chickens.
Later, Marilyn

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like real progress. There's nothing wrong with setting the alarm for pain meds at night. I bet the tottering progresses to seamless grace in no time. :-)
