Monday, April 9, 2012

so far so good

Vera's surgery went well, per the doctor .... and she seems so much stronger and more alert than she did post the January back surgery. I am pleased.  Of course I give lots of credit to the CPAP machine (which she kinda poo-poos) ... but it makes sense to me that if she is better oxygenated, she will be healthier .... more stamina, better healing capabilities, etc.
When I left she was rating her pain/discomfort at 7 or 8 (out of 10); so she's definitetely not having a picnic. It may be a l-o-o-ng nite for her.

I stayed until about 8:30 tonite at the hospital and came close to "losing" the car. The valet parking at the outpatient center closed at 9:00; and they were in the process of moving the "leftover" cars over to the main hospital garage.  For a few minutes there I had visions of having to sleep on the couch in Vera's room.

More tomorrow,

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