Thursday, May 31, 2012


We feel so-o-o-o normal!  We're settled back into our comfy little turtle shell ... well, maybe not so little.  But actually I think it's smaller than our motel room was; and 16 days with a large, HOT shower was really bordering on luxury for us.

And we're all still friends!

Vera says if she ever gets to wanting to "breakup with this bunch" it will be because we are all going deaf and we spend a lot of time saying "huh?" .... and repeating stuff to each other.  Sometimes one of us will tell another one what the third one said ..... it is kinda tiring sometimes.
But I say if I ever want to "break up with this bunch" it will be because of the lack of a decent shower in our turtle shell.
Charlie hasn't volunteered information about her 'pet peeve' ... yet.

The dogs just are glad not to have ticks. They've adjusted quite well to their "buzz" hair cuts (the better to inspect for ticks).

And I was correct in my earlier forecast regarding our claim to fame around the campground.  They have social gatherings here often .... last nite we were at the ice cream social and a couple of people across the table said "oh, you're the ones that got tented".   Yeah, ....  Well, it's nice to be remembered for something.

Later, Marilyn

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

We're in !!

We have completed the (four day) move back into our motorhome..... yesterday.  The last thing to go back in was the furniture .... which we rearranged .... three times.  But actually we left the furniture out for two days after we were back in (spending the nights) ... because we were admiring and enjoying our new carpet.  Sat on it .... walked barefooted on it .... dogs rolled on it .... we all enjoyed it .... then we (the people) got tired of sitting on the floor.

The process of reorganizing and purging 'stuff' that we have been hauling around with us, yielded a stack of stuff over 5'x5'x5'.  We know this because we were going to rent another small "locker" unit to leave it in (rather than take it back to Storage Unit #1 which has "tick issues"); but the stuff wouldn't fit. So we now have a larger Storage Unit #3 for the "clean" belongings.

We were going to release the covered coach parking space back to the management (we are finished with it), but mama Kildeer bird is still sitting on her eggs. So we thought we needed to keep the space as long as possible to protect the nest.  The man in the space next to us just rolled his eyes.

The dogs are clearly relieved to have their familar surroundings back. 

The people are clearly relieved to be tick free.

Later, Marilyn

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

a mind of its own

The strangest things happen to us.  We had a piece of equipment that went berserk today .... we couldn't shut it off .....
Let me start at the beginning. We bought some Permethrin chemical and a pump up sprayer from the Solutions store (recommendation of our pest control guru) .... in order to be able to do our own spraying of campsites or whatever.... to keep one step ahead of the ticks.
Well, our first scheduled job was the original storage unit where we have our  remaining household belongings.  We knew this to be necessary because, before thinking, we placed a stool from our infested motorhome in the permanent storage unit .... and when we returned a couple of weeks later ... yeah, you got it.
So -- back to our adventure today:  put the solution in the pump, pumped it up, squeezed the spray handle, it sprayed, "un-squeezed" the spray handle .... it continued to spray - a lot.  So I said to Charlie "I can't shut it off" ... and she says to me "then you'd better get busy".  So I started spraying around a few boxes, then I thought: 'this isn't gonna work' .... so I stopped to look at the handle thingy to figure it out and the chair that I stopped in front of quickly became 'rather' saturated .... so I moved over and pointed it at the floor and tried to move/ jiggle the spray handle .... which came off in my hand. So by this time I had been sprayed, Charlie had been sprayed, and there was a puddle forming around our feet.  So .... I stuck the end of the spray wand in the door jamb of the storage unit adjoining ours (because it was the nearest spot I could see that would hold the spray wand still and keep it from spraying around). Charlie and I set the pump on the floor and she held the canister while I unscrewed the top ..... whoosh .... !  But it stopped spraying.
Charlie got paper towels and wiped up the puddle outside the door of the neighboring unit; but of course we couldn't reach what went under the door. Hope they appreciate that they don't have ticks. 
We have decided to call our exterminator guru in the morning to come take care of the storage unit.

Later, Marilyn

PS  our new carpet is beautiful.
PSS we have about 25% of our travel belongings back in the motorhome.  The remaining is still in our 2nd "clean" storage unit.  It's getting harder to determine who's on first around here.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

carpet finishers

Moved the motorhome over to the Spring Branch area this morning to get our carpet job finished.
These people sound like they know their business; and are willing to step in to finish a botched job!   Whew!

So .... we are still living in a motel and our dogs are still at the vet. being boarded.  Well, truthfully two of them (Bugsy and Toby) are at the vet because Toby had just had three skin lesions removed when this all started and I wanted him to be watched over so he wouldn't scratch his sutures. But Boo Boo, being our social butterfly, went to the Meadowlake Pet "Resort".

Vera finishes her Physical Therapy about June 3rd, so we will probably leave a few days after that .... assuming our lives are put back together by then.

Our destination is "The Great Lakes", across Canada to Maine, and down the Eastern Coast for the fall color. .... at least that was yesterday's plan .... never know with us.

Later, Marilyn

Friday, May 18, 2012

not over yet

Got everything out of the motorhome (again), and moved into a big storage unit we rented .......
Got the old carpet ripped out ....
Got the whole coach sprayed down by the exterminator guy, including the basement storage .. all the cabinets and drawers were empty, so we got a really good spray job to put down a film of residue to kill any new varmits that might show up.
Got the new carpet started ..... realized the installers had not been truthful about having done a motorhome .... They got about 2/3 finished and we told them to stop; gave them their money, and sent them away.
Got someone reputable who has agreed to finish the job; will take it to them tomorrow (Saturday) and leave it. They will do the job on Monday.

Then .... we can get the new carpet sprayed ...
Then ... we can move all our belongings back in ...
Then ... we can go pick up our dogs from the vet. ...

So, this afternoon, after we fired the carpet guys; we sat in the 12'x33' storage unit in the midst of all our worldly possessions .... and just had to laugh at our situation - what else can we do? 

On a lighter note, we have a large covered parking space rented for the motorhome itself; but we can't use the front 8 to 10 feet because a little killdeer bird built her nest on the gravel there.  So we set out our orange cones a few feet in front of the bird and only drive part way in and leave the rear 8' sticking out in the driveway.
 This afternoon we had the coach out of its parking space and down the drive in front of the storage bin. When I drove it back to the parking space the mother bird was on the nest and for the first time she didn't fly away when we came close.  She puffed up her feathers really big but just stayed put. 
Can you imagine the picture:  a tiny mama bird facing a 12' tall 28,000 pound motorhome coming toward her .... and just staying put!  That is one tough mama !  I guess she has learned that those little orange cones will stop us.

Later, Marilyn

Tuesday, May 15, 2012


We are out of the mud.  Took about an hour and a half for two guys to jack us up, dig under the wheels, put 2x12 boards down, give us a starting pull with their pickup truck ..... and away I went about 200 yards to the other end of the field and onto the road (didn't want to risk turning around because it was still wet).  Only cost $100.

So .... on to the next step.  Tomorrow the old carpet comes out, then we move the remainder of all our belongings out, then the original pest control guy comes back, then the new carpet gets installed, then ......
I'm beginning to get weary of all this. We're still in the motel; dogs still at the Vet.
But !! at least we're out of the muddy field :)

Later, Marilyn

Sunday, May 13, 2012

tented ... and stuck

Our lives have literally been upended for about 3 weeks.  We just can't seem to win right now ..... first the tick spraying treatment didn't get them all (next generation just replaced the dead ones) ...... so the pest control company referred us to a "fumigator" who tents houses for termites, dry rot, ... whatever. 
We made the arrangements; moved out into a motel; put the dogs in a kennel; parked the motorhome in a storage lot (actually on the grassy field next to the storage lot); and for a full 48 hours our tented motorhome was sealed, gassed, and had a guard sitting near it to prevent anyone from entering the hazardous area.
Everything went well, except it rained all night before we were to have it released back to us yesterday.  Yep, stuck in the mud. Wrecker came and said (other than about a thousand dollar work order) to let the field dry out.
So .... every living thing inside the motor home is now dead, plus all the grass under the coach .... no ticks .... just sitting by itself .... buried up past the rims .... tilting to one side ..... looking sad .....  and so are we!
All our adventures seem to be bigger and more complicated than we plan for.
After we get it out (maybe Tues. or Wednesday), we get the old carpet torn out; the pest guy comes to spray the wood subfloor; we move the remainder of our belongings out again; install the new carpet; and get a final preventative spray from the pest guy... then move back in, get the dogs and give them a final treatment ..... and maybe get on with our lives :)
But .... on the upside ... can't say we aren't living an adventure!
Later, Marilyn

Sunday, May 6, 2012

we love Galveston

back in Galveston ..... can't stay away too long ..... every time I drive over the causeway and get escorted onto the island by a squadron of brown pelicans, I just feel happy - released, like I'm on vacation (never mind that I'm on permanent vacation anyway).

We were just here for a long weekend .. going back tomorrow to our homebase in Pearland.  We'll be there probably until May 27th (unless something else happens).

Vera is doing very well !! She graduated from the walker to a cane.  Tomorrow will be 4 weeks since her hip replacement.  Praise God.

Later, Marilyn