Friday, May 18, 2012

not over yet

Got everything out of the motorhome (again), and moved into a big storage unit we rented .......
Got the old carpet ripped out ....
Got the whole coach sprayed down by the exterminator guy, including the basement storage .. all the cabinets and drawers were empty, so we got a really good spray job to put down a film of residue to kill any new varmits that might show up.
Got the new carpet started ..... realized the installers had not been truthful about having done a motorhome .... They got about 2/3 finished and we told them to stop; gave them their money, and sent them away.
Got someone reputable who has agreed to finish the job; will take it to them tomorrow (Saturday) and leave it. They will do the job on Monday.

Then .... we can get the new carpet sprayed ...
Then ... we can move all our belongings back in ...
Then ... we can go pick up our dogs from the vet. ...

So, this afternoon, after we fired the carpet guys; we sat in the 12'x33' storage unit in the midst of all our worldly possessions .... and just had to laugh at our situation - what else can we do? 

On a lighter note, we have a large covered parking space rented for the motorhome itself; but we can't use the front 8 to 10 feet because a little killdeer bird built her nest on the gravel there.  So we set out our orange cones a few feet in front of the bird and only drive part way in and leave the rear 8' sticking out in the driveway.
 This afternoon we had the coach out of its parking space and down the drive in front of the storage bin. When I drove it back to the parking space the mother bird was on the nest and for the first time she didn't fly away when we came close.  She puffed up her feathers really big but just stayed put. 
Can you imagine the picture:  a tiny mama bird facing a 12' tall 28,000 pound motorhome coming toward her .... and just staying put!  That is one tough mama !  I guess she has learned that those little orange cones will stop us.

Later, Marilyn

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