Wednesday, May 23, 2012

a mind of its own

The strangest things happen to us.  We had a piece of equipment that went berserk today .... we couldn't shut it off .....
Let me start at the beginning. We bought some Permethrin chemical and a pump up sprayer from the Solutions store (recommendation of our pest control guru) .... in order to be able to do our own spraying of campsites or whatever.... to keep one step ahead of the ticks.
Well, our first scheduled job was the original storage unit where we have our  remaining household belongings.  We knew this to be necessary because, before thinking, we placed a stool from our infested motorhome in the permanent storage unit .... and when we returned a couple of weeks later ... yeah, you got it.
So -- back to our adventure today:  put the solution in the pump, pumped it up, squeezed the spray handle, it sprayed, "un-squeezed" the spray handle .... it continued to spray - a lot.  So I said to Charlie "I can't shut it off" ... and she says to me "then you'd better get busy".  So I started spraying around a few boxes, then I thought: 'this isn't gonna work' .... so I stopped to look at the handle thingy to figure it out and the chair that I stopped in front of quickly became 'rather' saturated .... so I moved over and pointed it at the floor and tried to move/ jiggle the spray handle .... which came off in my hand. So by this time I had been sprayed, Charlie had been sprayed, and there was a puddle forming around our feet.  So .... I stuck the end of the spray wand in the door jamb of the storage unit adjoining ours (because it was the nearest spot I could see that would hold the spray wand still and keep it from spraying around). Charlie and I set the pump on the floor and she held the canister while I unscrewed the top ..... whoosh .... !  But it stopped spraying.
Charlie got paper towels and wiped up the puddle outside the door of the neighboring unit; but of course we couldn't reach what went under the door. Hope they appreciate that they don't have ticks. 
We have decided to call our exterminator guru in the morning to come take care of the storage unit.

Later, Marilyn

PS  our new carpet is beautiful.
PSS we have about 25% of our travel belongings back in the motorhome.  The remaining is still in our 2nd "clean" storage unit.  It's getting harder to determine who's on first around here.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness, I needed this laugh today. I know it wasn't funny to you and Charlie while it was happening. BUT when you put it with all the other things that have happened, you have to admit it could be in a slapstick comedy. I can just hear Charlie's "well you better get busy then". To quote from Ella Wheeler Wilcox's poem Solitude "Laugh & the world laughs with you. Weep and you weep alone". Thanks for letting us laugh with you.
