Thursday, May 31, 2012


We feel so-o-o-o normal!  We're settled back into our comfy little turtle shell ... well, maybe not so little.  But actually I think it's smaller than our motel room was; and 16 days with a large, HOT shower was really bordering on luxury for us.

And we're all still friends!

Vera says if she ever gets to wanting to "breakup with this bunch" it will be because we are all going deaf and we spend a lot of time saying "huh?" .... and repeating stuff to each other.  Sometimes one of us will tell another one what the third one said ..... it is kinda tiring sometimes.
But I say if I ever want to "break up with this bunch" it will be because of the lack of a decent shower in our turtle shell.
Charlie hasn't volunteered information about her 'pet peeve' ... yet.

The dogs just are glad not to have ticks. They've adjusted quite well to their "buzz" hair cuts (the better to inspect for ticks).

And I was correct in my earlier forecast regarding our claim to fame around the campground.  They have social gatherings here often .... last nite we were at the ice cream social and a couple of people across the table said "oh, you're the ones that got tented".   Yeah, ....  Well, it's nice to be remembered for something.

Later, Marilyn

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