Wednesday, May 30, 2012

We're in !!

We have completed the (four day) move back into our motorhome..... yesterday.  The last thing to go back in was the furniture .... which we rearranged .... three times.  But actually we left the furniture out for two days after we were back in (spending the nights) ... because we were admiring and enjoying our new carpet.  Sat on it .... walked barefooted on it .... dogs rolled on it .... we all enjoyed it .... then we (the people) got tired of sitting on the floor.

The process of reorganizing and purging 'stuff' that we have been hauling around with us, yielded a stack of stuff over 5'x5'x5'.  We know this because we were going to rent another small "locker" unit to leave it in (rather than take it back to Storage Unit #1 which has "tick issues"); but the stuff wouldn't fit. So we now have a larger Storage Unit #3 for the "clean" belongings.

We were going to release the covered coach parking space back to the management (we are finished with it), but mama Kildeer bird is still sitting on her eggs. So we thought we needed to keep the space as long as possible to protect the nest.  The man in the space next to us just rolled his eyes.

The dogs are clearly relieved to have their familar surroundings back. 

The people are clearly relieved to be tick free.

Later, Marilyn

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