Thursday, June 28, 2012

business as usual

One of the intriguing things about traveling full time is that your home really is .... wherever the wheels are parked.   And, when you need a haircut, or the dogs needs a booster shot, or the car battery goes dead ..... well, you just google the nearest service facility ..... and go do it.  Case in point: ...
Last nite we were in St.Louis. This morning we had appointments for two of the dogs at Petsmart; and the car battery was dead.  But it was still hooked up to the motorhome, so I just towed it over to Petsmart, dropped Vera and Charlie and the dogs off, and drove across the street to a tire and battery store ...... two birds with one stone ..... and then we were off again ... didn't even have to unhook the car.

Tonight we are just outside of Bloomington, Indiana, where my niece and sister in law live. Maggie, my niece is going to travel with us for a week.  We'll be leaving Saturday for Mackinac Island, then exploring our way back down thru the lower part of western Michigan.  Can't wait!

Later, Marilyn

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Branson, Missouri

We are actually on the road -- again !   Feels great ! 
We have seen (and camped alongside) some of the most beautiful lakes: Wright Patman near Texarkana, Greers Ferry in Arkansas, and tonite, Table Rock Lake in Branson.  All of them have been Corp of Engineers Parks; so they are inexpensive, spacious sites, trees, located on the water, etc.  I think the Corp parks are one of the best kept secrets for traveling campers.  One small downside is they almost never have sewer connections at the site - but always have a dump station you can stop by on the way out.
When we arrived at Greers Ferry Lake it was Sunday afternoon, and the lake area adjacent to the campground was crowded with pleasure boaters. The boat ramp was already really busy with people starting to pack up and leave to go back to work the next day.  From about 3pm to 8 or 9 pm, there must have been several hundred boats hauled out of the water.  There was a literal traffic jam of trailers at the ramps.
Sitting out in my lawn chair watching the activity, it made me realize how blessed we are to be (not only retired) .... but traveling "at will".
Speaking of "at will" ..... at each stop we have bemoaned the fact that we are only spending a nite or two at such a beautiful spot ..... or a town where there is so much to see.  We spent about 3 hours in Eureka Springs, Arkansas ..... just long enough to know we were cheating ourselves .... but we had reservations down the road.  That is another thing we prefer not to do ... make reservations too far ahead.  We have traditionally not started looking for a campground until about 3pm when we know for sure where we are going to be.

The dogs seem really happy to be moving .... new sights, and smells.   And, best of all: no ticks.
Later, Marilyn

Monday, June 18, 2012

Ladies in waiting

We are poised .... waiting for take-off to the north/midwest/northeast.  We have been here at Marina Village Camping Club on Lake Livingston for almost a week.... will be here maybe most of this week; then ... up, up and
This camping site is absolutely beautiful. I can honestly say I haven't camped anywhere on our travels that I like as much as this ..... and right in our own backyard! ..... and free (well, there is that monthly membership/maintenance thingy).
We are back in a small bay off the main lake, our spot is on a small peninsula jutting out into the water, with water about 50' away on one side, and about 100' away on the back and the other side.  with lots of very tall beautiful pine trees.  we are almost completely shaded except for mid-morning.

Vera and Charlie have gone off today to take the computer to the doctor (Best Buy Geek Squad in Conroe), and to do laundry ... so the dogs and I are having a free day.  First thing I going to do is take my watermelon lunch outside to the picnic table .....
Later, Marilyn

Sunday, June 10, 2012

need amps

We've come up with a possible solution to improve our communication, since we're all going deaf ..... we (none of us) rarely hear what anyone else says... the first time.  So we go thru the "huh?" game (usually twice) ....
So we think we could get some amplifiers and put one in the front of the coach and one in the back; then put little microphones all around the coach .....
Can't you just imagine other peoples reaction as we go rolling by ..... white headed driver of a bus with boom boxes.

Charlie caught up with us today, so we may leave tomorrow for Lake Livingston.
Vera won enough to buy breakfast twice and dinner twice (hamburgers once, but steak the second nite).

Later, Marilyn

Friday, June 8, 2012

going, going .....

Well, not quite gone yet.  Our departure date was today .... and we did leave town. However, we have to be back one week from today for Vera one final doctor appointment. 
The word "final" we are using in a very confident tone; because if we don't get out of Dodge pretty soon .... we are going to start stepping on each other's last nerves.
We've all got the travel itch pretty bad ... the hot weather isn't helping.  I really feel sad for the people of all areas where the summer temperatures will be so horrific.

We came over to Louisiana for a few days, then we will go up to our camping club on Lake Livingston. Charlie took the car and is staying in Orange to visit friends; while Vera and I and the dogs came on up to the casino in Kinder, LA.  They have a really nice campground, around a small lake.  I'm going to do some trip planning while Vera earns us some travel money...... well, doesn't hurt to be optimistic.
Our first major stop will be in Michigan -  where it's cool(er).

Weather maps show some bad weather due here tonite.  The campground puts out a notice that they have a tornado warning siren.  So when you hear the siren; head to the main casino.  That's pretty nice of them to have a warning system ..... reminds me of my early years visiting storm "cellars" in the middle of the nite, .. in the rain .... and standing in water in the cellar.   I always considered it one of those "cry wolf" things... but then, a real tornado never showed up either.
So I guess if I hear the siren I'll be glad to have a designated place to go.  Probably can't take the dogs though.

Later, Marilyn

Sunday, June 3, 2012

ah-h-h, Galveston

We just came down to Galveston for two days, one nite.   Went to a very nice fund raising affair for the tall ship Elissa .... got to go on the ship for my first time. It is really awesome. I could just feel the history.

Went to the annual backyard garden tour ... traditional old houses here are close together with really small back yards; so the creative way people design them is always a real treat to see (and experience).

Went to the annual Sandcastle competition .... wow .... talk about creative! These are not your typical sandcastles!

So much nice breeze.  I really enjoy this place.

Later, Marilyn