Thursday, June 28, 2012

business as usual

One of the intriguing things about traveling full time is that your home really is .... wherever the wheels are parked.   And, when you need a haircut, or the dogs needs a booster shot, or the car battery goes dead ..... well, you just google the nearest service facility ..... and go do it.  Case in point: ...
Last nite we were in St.Louis. This morning we had appointments for two of the dogs at Petsmart; and the car battery was dead.  But it was still hooked up to the motorhome, so I just towed it over to Petsmart, dropped Vera and Charlie and the dogs off, and drove across the street to a tire and battery store ...... two birds with one stone ..... and then we were off again ... didn't even have to unhook the car.

Tonight we are just outside of Bloomington, Indiana, where my niece and sister in law live. Maggie, my niece is going to travel with us for a week.  We'll be leaving Saturday for Mackinac Island, then exploring our way back down thru the lower part of western Michigan.  Can't wait!

Later, Marilyn

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