Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Branson, Missouri

We are actually on the road -- again !   Feels great ! 
We have seen (and camped alongside) some of the most beautiful lakes: Wright Patman near Texarkana, Greers Ferry in Arkansas, and tonite, Table Rock Lake in Branson.  All of them have been Corp of Engineers Parks; so they are inexpensive, spacious sites, trees, located on the water, etc.  I think the Corp parks are one of the best kept secrets for traveling campers.  One small downside is they almost never have sewer connections at the site - but always have a dump station you can stop by on the way out.
When we arrived at Greers Ferry Lake it was Sunday afternoon, and the lake area adjacent to the campground was crowded with pleasure boaters. The boat ramp was already really busy with people starting to pack up and leave to go back to work the next day.  From about 3pm to 8 or 9 pm, there must have been several hundred boats hauled out of the water.  There was a literal traffic jam of trailers at the ramps.
Sitting out in my lawn chair watching the activity, it made me realize how blessed we are to be (not only retired) .... but traveling "at will".
Speaking of "at will" ..... at each stop we have bemoaned the fact that we are only spending a nite or two at such a beautiful spot ..... or a town where there is so much to see.  We spent about 3 hours in Eureka Springs, Arkansas ..... just long enough to know we were cheating ourselves .... but we had reservations down the road.  That is another thing we prefer not to do ... make reservations too far ahead.  We have traditionally not started looking for a campground until about 3pm when we know for sure where we are going to be.

The dogs seem really happy to be moving .... new sights, and smells.   And, best of all: no ticks.
Later, Marilyn

1 comment:

  1. So glad to see your post. I was beginning to worry about you. I know you have seen some beautiful country. Hope Vera is getting stronger every day and that you stay Tick Free.
    Keep writing.
