Friday, June 8, 2012

going, going .....

Well, not quite gone yet.  Our departure date was today .... and we did leave town. However, we have to be back one week from today for Vera one final doctor appointment. 
The word "final" we are using in a very confident tone; because if we don't get out of Dodge pretty soon .... we are going to start stepping on each other's last nerves.
We've all got the travel itch pretty bad ... the hot weather isn't helping.  I really feel sad for the people of all areas where the summer temperatures will be so horrific.

We came over to Louisiana for a few days, then we will go up to our camping club on Lake Livingston. Charlie took the car and is staying in Orange to visit friends; while Vera and I and the dogs came on up to the casino in Kinder, LA.  They have a really nice campground, around a small lake.  I'm going to do some trip planning while Vera earns us some travel money...... well, doesn't hurt to be optimistic.
Our first major stop will be in Michigan -  where it's cool(er).

Weather maps show some bad weather due here tonite.  The campground puts out a notice that they have a tornado warning siren.  So when you hear the siren; head to the main casino.  That's pretty nice of them to have a warning system ..... reminds me of my early years visiting storm "cellars" in the middle of the nite, .. in the rain .... and standing in water in the cellar.   I always considered it one of those "cry wolf" things... but then, a real tornado never showed up either.
So I guess if I hear the siren I'll be glad to have a designated place to go.  Probably can't take the dogs though.

Later, Marilyn

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