Monday, June 18, 2012

Ladies in waiting

We are poised .... waiting for take-off to the north/midwest/northeast.  We have been here at Marina Village Camping Club on Lake Livingston for almost a week.... will be here maybe most of this week; then ... up, up and
This camping site is absolutely beautiful. I can honestly say I haven't camped anywhere on our travels that I like as much as this ..... and right in our own backyard! ..... and free (well, there is that monthly membership/maintenance thingy).
We are back in a small bay off the main lake, our spot is on a small peninsula jutting out into the water, with water about 50' away on one side, and about 100' away on the back and the other side.  with lots of very tall beautiful pine trees.  we are almost completely shaded except for mid-morning.

Vera and Charlie have gone off today to take the computer to the doctor (Best Buy Geek Squad in Conroe), and to do laundry ... so the dogs and I are having a free day.  First thing I going to do is take my watermelon lunch outside to the picnic table .....
Later, Marilyn

1 comment:

  1. Guess this means Vera got a green light and we won't see you all for a few months. Enjoyed your time at home...but understand you are anxious to be "on the road again." Have fun, enjoy the journey, be safe until we meet again.
