Tuesday, August 14, 2012

bee in her ...

The strangest things happen to us.
Vera got stung on her tongue .... by a bee .... while eating a cinnamon bun.
Seems like the bee was taking advantage of some free sweets .....
and Vera wasn't paying attention ....
Vera recovered; the bee didn't.
She said later (in hindsight) that she sorta was aware of a "dark" spot on the bun, but didn't focus on it and assumed it was a raisin or whatever.  
We have identified several possible "lessons" to be learned from this temporarily painful experience:
don't eat cinnamon buns
don't leave them accessible to bees
look before you bite
or, maybe wear your glasses when eating; and focus on the brown spots.

Later, Marilyn

1 comment:

  1. Vera, That sounds downright painful. But I have to ask...did the bee die from being beat to death or from stinging you? Altho, I feel your pain...I can just hear your fellow travelers...laughing and making jokes. Don't feed them for a couple of days and they will apologize. Hope you don't have any side affects.
