Friday, August 31, 2012

green rolling lawns

While driving down a roadway this afternoon here in south central New York State, it occurred to me why these hills are so beautiful to me.   It has to do with large green lawns everywhere you look. Almost all the rural homes, farms, etc. have neatly mowed, very large lawns.  Some look to be several acres.  They mow everything around that is not forested, down to the highway, along the roadway, across to the barns or outbuildings, up the sloping hill behind the house ...... large lawns.
It makes the countryside very pretty, but surely it takes a lot of time to do so much mowing.  Of course, they have big tractors to mow with.... but I think they just appreciate green because they have it for such a short season.

Still here in Endicott, NY.  As of right now we plan to leave Tuesday the day after Labor Day.\
Later, Marilyn

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