Wednesday, August 8, 2012

feels like Canada

Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario is three times the size of the city of the same name on the Michigan side of the bridge; but it is three times more hum-drum ..... couldn't be more different.  The only thing remarkable about the town was the Canadian Geese were everywhere ! ..... all over the green parks in town, along the rivers edge, in the parking lots, crossing streets, and even sitting down on the pavement to rest (or contemplate or whatever they do).  They just watched as people drove around them.  I got a little irritated about it and Vera's response was:  well, it is their country!

As we drove northeast into Canada, I remarked that this "feels like" Canada ..... never having been here before that sounded like a strange statement; but Charlie and Vera said they both agreed.  I think we have seen so many pictures of "Canada" (never mind that it is so huge and varied); but it looks like the pictures we've seen so many times .... i.e. ... feels like Canada.  Oh well.  Sometimes as we are driving down the road we find some rather mundane things to talk about
Speaking of driving down the road:  We get a LOT of reaction to us being women in such a big motorcoach.  Most of the time Vera rides in the passenger seat, and frequently Charlie brings the folding chair up to sit between us .... so the view of us coming down the road with three women lined up across the front is pretty attention getting .... we get a lot of waves and "thumbs up".  Some people just stare and their mouths drop open.  Some elbow their companions and point.  And when I'm turning tight corners right in front of their cars, their eyes open very wide.  It's kinda fun.

Later, Marilyn

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