Monday, August 13, 2012

BIG rocks

The lower part of Ontario which we crossed through has very, very obvious indications of glacial formations (eons ago) .... which I found to be fascinating.  Driving along the roads you see large rocks.. boulders... actually it's the bedrock.  The rocks vary from the size of a few blocks, to being endless .... like the size of a town; and it is obvious there is very little if any topsoil anywhere.
But the fascinating part is they are all rounded on top .... ground down ages ago by glaciers no telling how many hundreds of feet thick.
Then as you pass areas where they have blasted the rock away for the roadbed, you see the wonderful, colorful patterns of different types of rock all swirled and folded and uplifted.  All indications of volcanic upheavals in another eon ago. 
One location we actually saw them preparing the land for another two lanes adjacent to the existing ones.  The heavy machines were scraping the topsoil off and leaving exposed the large areas of solid rock.... then the drilling machine was brought in to start drilling for blasting holes.
Down south where I come from you can scrape gumbo all the way down to the water level.

The other glacial indication is the thousands of small lakes ... everywhere.  They are so beautiful and serene, with trees all around.  We had dinner one evening in a restaurant overlooking one .... they are undeveloped for the most part (I guess they are privately owned).

We crossed back into the US in Niagara Falls and spent two days there. Vera has nieces and great nieces in Buffalo, whom we had very nice visits with.  Now we are in Canton, Ohio to see the Football Hall of Fame; and tomorrow we go to Mill Run, Pennsylvania to tour one of Frank Lloyd Wright's famous designs (Falling Water).

We hit the heat again, coming so far south ... but by the end of this week we will be back in upstate New York, heading for Maine.

Later, Marilyn


  1. Thanks for another great geography lesson. Who knew Canada had scenery like that. I thought it was all trees, mountains, and snow.
    Enjoy the Football Hall of Fame.
    FLW's "Falling Water" sounds interesting.
    Be safe.

  2. When I saw Alaska I thought of Ontario with mountains. I bet you went through the Muskoka region of Ontario with all the lakes. I was nurse at a camp in that area many years ago. Ahhhh, it is lovely there. Glad you are back in the States. Falling Waters is not all that far from where I grew up. Nice country.
