Thursday, May 30, 2013

saving mon-e-e-e-y

It's working ..... our goal for this season is to save money (for the big Alaska trip).  When I realized this morning that I've had the same $20 bill in my pocket for over a week .... I thought, "wow" living out in the forest really works! I think it's been almost two weeks since we've eaten out.

"Living in the forest" really is what it feels like ..... with all the luxuries, of coarse.  Roughly it smoothly, as they say.  Wow !! God has really blessed us !!

Later, Marilyn

Wednesday, May 29, 2013


It's almost embarrassing to be excited to have a couple of vacation days ...... considering how blessed I am to be living this lifestyle of traveling.
I am however, being "left home alone" for two days, while Charlie and Vera take a short trip over to Cherokee, NC...... and when the masters are away .............whee !
The dogs and I are already relishing our solitude.  Don't misunderstand, I don't consider it crowded or a burden to all be living here together...... but, complete freedom to be alone and do or not do whatever is .... "whee !"

I wish I could adequately describe the feeling of our "tree house" campsite. The hills are so steep that when we look out the windows on three sides we are in the canopy of trees.  There is another host camper on one side of us, but they are far enough away, and at least twelve feet lower than us .... we can just barely see glimpses of their roof top thru the tree leaves.

Well, Vera left me a "job" to finish for her:  cooking a brisket.  Most of you know I don't cook ... so it may truly be 'pot luck'.  But if it turns out ok I may call in all the hosts for a party! (probably not).
Speaking of parties, the management gave us a hot dog cookout Monday evening to celebrate a job well done over the holiday.  Did I mention that I really love this place !?

later, Marilyn

Sunday, May 26, 2013

magic windows

Bugsy has long appreciated the magic window of a Starbuck's drive-thru ..... I put his window down (right behind the driver's seat), he puts his head out, smiles, and wags his tail ..... and whipped cream magically appears for him (he always shares with his brother and sister).

Well, today was a good day for Mr. Bugs:  he discovered a different kind of magic window.  I pulled into a CVS pharmacy drive-thru (Bugsy's window was down).  He wagged his tail in anticipation; but then he said "hey guys this isn't the right window, it doesn't smell like coffee".  But lo and behold, as he took in the strange smells wafting from the pharmacy window ...... dog biscuits appeared !!

We survived our work shifts on the absolute busiest day of the season for this campground... Friday when 107 camping groups appeared to check in for the long weekend.  It went very smoothly, and there were no long lines... I think God orchestrated the spaced out arrival of all those people so we didn't get overwhelmed. Charlie worked the gate house, and I worked in the store taking camping fees and selling firewood and ice.
Speaking of which, the high here today is a wonderful 72 .... exquisite !...... and I hear that Houston's high will be 88. so sad.

Later, Marilyn

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Asheville !

Went to Asheville to Petsmart to get some of Toby's special hypoallergenic dog food. Of course Vera had to sample a couple of the shopping malls ... Dillards, Kohls, etc. , and we found the BIG Farmer's Market.  It is larger than the Airline one in Houston.  We have especially enjoyed the fresh South Carolina strawberries.

Then we came back along a portion of the Blue Ridge Parkway (about 30 miles of it).  It is absolutely breathtaking.  I think when the opportunity arises, I would like to drive up to sit for a couple of hours and watch the changing colors. 
In Asheville it was 81 degrees, but as we climbed the mountains on the Parkway the temp. kept dropping ... as low as 63 degrees. Mount Pisgah is the highest peak along that section of the parkway at 5000 ft. 

Then we ran into some fog, clouds, drifting across the ridges. Awesome!

Fog is a fairly common occurrence around here, as has been drizzly overcast days. Here is a view at the fishing lake this evening about 7 pm.

More later, Marilyn

Sunday, May 19, 2013

we love it !

We love this country !   It is wonderful !
We love the people here that we work with too.
We have decided to stay longer ... at least thru Labor Day ... and maybe even longer.

Our campsite

Charlie cleaning the firepits

White Squirrel
There are quite a few white squirrels in this area ... not abinos, really a white species.  There is a story that back in the 1930's a carnival wagon overturned and some white squirrels escaped ..... and ...... now there are a bunch :)
Tomorrow we are driving a portion of the BlueRidge Parkway over to Asheville.
Later, Marilyn


Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Wonderful place

This area of North Carolina is absolutely heavenly !!
I am so-o-o content and happy to be here...... it is a place of perfect peace.
More camp hosts have arrived, so work hours have dropped from 6 to 4 hours, 3 days on, 3 days off. Just gets better and better.
Yesterday our friend Charlotte visited, then stayed overnite on her way back to Mississippi. We went canoeing for about 2 1/2 hours ..... the old muscles were NOT happy this morning.  I am beginning to get the picture about consistent activity/ exercise.

This is one of about 20 waterfalls withing about a 10 mile radius of our location here near Brevard, NC.  We plan to visit a lot of them.

Charlotte above Hooker Falls

Charlotte and Vera

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

beautiful day

What a wonderful day. We drove about an hour over to Saluda, NC to visit Charlotte, Charlies friend at her mountaintop cabin.  She is the same friend we had lunch with in Jackson, Mississippi.  The scenery is breathtaking.
Charlie, Charlotte and I took a two mile hike to see some waterfalls.  It was very challenging for me, but very rewarding.  We were paralleling the stream as we went along, and the trail crossed it 4 times... about knee deep at the deepest ..... but cold, cold, cold .... glad I didn't tump over.
Here are some pics from today; I will take some of our campsite maybe tomorrow.

Later, Marilyn

Sunday, May 5, 2013


Somebody forgot to turn of the sprinklers ...... we are wet ..... wet, wet.  Actually, literally, we are rained in and could not exit the campground right now because some of the country roads out of here are closed.  We have had only 3-3/4 inches thus far, but streams are nearing flood stage.   Good thing we are on top of a hill .... and there's a small grocery store here.

Speaking of which, the "job" is quite easy..... and, I'll stop short of saying the word "fun" ...... but it's very pleasant, and the people we work with are like family.   For example, tonite we have a staff get-together and everyone will bring food.  I think there are close to 30 people who are "Workampers", which is what we are called. Everyone is issued a radio, so there is often a lot of banter and joking, with most everyone chiming in. I really like the atmosphere AND the surrounding forest.  It is very quiet and peaceful, and the space around each campsite is private.... and we have wild azaleas all around our camper .... and a blooming dogwood tree right in front of us.

The blooming season here is much later ... they just now have azaleas blooming in the yards, which is a real treat because I missed seeing many of them when we were in Houston. 
We are off duty now until Wednesday, but we probably will not get to go exploring because of the flooding. Yesterday we went into town to a farmer's market (we only worked 4 hours yesterday), but most days I think we will work 6 hours (8-2, or 2-8) for 3 days, then be off for 4 days.

I'll get some photos as soon as it stops raining.
More later, Marilyn

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Whoo-o-e-e-e... beautiful !

We're here !  We love it !
The closest town is Brevard, NC, ten miles away. The campground is up on some hills, fairly heavily wooded, on the shores of two separate lakes .. one quite small for swimming (with a sandy beach), and another larger one for fishing, canoeing, etc.

We are about halfway between Greenville, SC and Asheville, NC .... and not too far from Hendersonville, NC.

One thing for sure, our leg strength will improve walking up and down these hills.  Everything is either up or down a hill to get to.... and even when you go down... you must come back up.

Tomorrow is our first day of orientation to be an "official camp host".  We even have tan shirts to wear, with arm patches from the Forestry Service .... looking official.  We had to take a golf cart driving test today :)
There are 12 people (counting the site managers) who will be hosting, and all our campers are close by each other, so it really is like a family..... everyone seems very nice and friendly.

Forgot to mention my Verizon phone is the only reception we get.... and sometimes that is iffy.  Internet seems ok though.... thank goodness.

More later, Marilyn