Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Wonderful place

This area of North Carolina is absolutely heavenly !!
I am so-o-o content and happy to be here...... it is a place of perfect peace.
More camp hosts have arrived, so work hours have dropped from 6 to 4 hours, 3 days on, 3 days off. Just gets better and better.
Yesterday our friend Charlotte visited, then stayed overnite on her way back to Mississippi. We went canoeing for about 2 1/2 hours ..... the old muscles were NOT happy this morning.  I am beginning to get the picture about consistent activity/ exercise.

This is one of about 20 waterfalls withing about a 10 mile radius of our location here near Brevard, NC.  We plan to visit a lot of them.

Charlotte above Hooker Falls

Charlotte and Vera

1 comment:

  1. What a restful place. I can almost hear the waterful from here. Oh wait! that's my tears since I'm not there. Isn't God good to provide so much splendid beauty for us.
    Happy to hear your hours have been shortened.
