Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Asheville !

Went to Asheville to Petsmart to get some of Toby's special hypoallergenic dog food. Of course Vera had to sample a couple of the shopping malls ... Dillards, Kohls, etc. , and we found the BIG Farmer's Market.  It is larger than the Airline one in Houston.  We have especially enjoyed the fresh South Carolina strawberries.

Then we came back along a portion of the Blue Ridge Parkway (about 30 miles of it).  It is absolutely breathtaking.  I think when the opportunity arises, I would like to drive up to sit for a couple of hours and watch the changing colors. 
In Asheville it was 81 degrees, but as we climbed the mountains on the Parkway the temp. kept dropping ... as low as 63 degrees. Mount Pisgah is the highest peak along that section of the parkway at 5000 ft. 

Then we ran into some fog, clouds, drifting across the ridges. Awesome!

Fog is a fairly common occurrence around here, as has been drizzly overcast days. Here is a view at the fishing lake this evening about 7 pm.

More later, Marilyn

1 comment:

  1. So beautiful. So peaceful. Glad you are enjoying it, but remember, no matter how nice it is TEXAS is home.
