Sunday, May 5, 2013


Somebody forgot to turn of the sprinklers ...... we are wet ..... wet, wet.  Actually, literally, we are rained in and could not exit the campground right now because some of the country roads out of here are closed.  We have had only 3-3/4 inches thus far, but streams are nearing flood stage.   Good thing we are on top of a hill .... and there's a small grocery store here.

Speaking of which, the "job" is quite easy..... and, I'll stop short of saying the word "fun" ...... but it's very pleasant, and the people we work with are like family.   For example, tonite we have a staff get-together and everyone will bring food.  I think there are close to 30 people who are "Workampers", which is what we are called. Everyone is issued a radio, so there is often a lot of banter and joking, with most everyone chiming in. I really like the atmosphere AND the surrounding forest.  It is very quiet and peaceful, and the space around each campsite is private.... and we have wild azaleas all around our camper .... and a blooming dogwood tree right in front of us.

The blooming season here is much later ... they just now have azaleas blooming in the yards, which is a real treat because I missed seeing many of them when we were in Houston. 
We are off duty now until Wednesday, but we probably will not get to go exploring because of the flooding. Yesterday we went into town to a farmer's market (we only worked 4 hours yesterday), but most days I think we will work 6 hours (8-2, or 2-8) for 3 days, then be off for 4 days.

I'll get some photos as soon as it stops raining.
More later, Marilyn

1 comment:

  1. Did you take your rain gear? Sounds like a great place to spend a couple of months. Just don't get too attached. I am posting a link to your blog on facebook when you update. Several have said thank you. Some from Dayspring and some who went to Israel with Charlie. We all enjoy traveling with you. It really sounds like a fun way to work...and I guess when it came to the Potluck, Vera had to work. Keep us posted as I look forward to being envious. Darlene
