Friday, February 18, 2011

airplane ride, sharks and a full moon

Darlene you were absolutely correct.  We saw hundreds of sharks in the shallows off the keys as we took an airplane ride this morning .... guide says this type of accumulation only happens once a year.  I had my shark repellant on just in case.  :)  But the aerial view of that one straight ribbon of highway connecting all those islands was amazing; plus the many different colors (and depths) of the waters was wonderful.
The full moon over the bay at our campground is just the icing on the cake!

Today has really been a grand finale for Key West. So (now that we have used up the whole months budget) we will head back to our lovely little peaceful (and cheap) campground on Lake Okeechobee for a few weeks. (Where they only have alligators .... not these awful dinasaurs (iguanas) everywhere).

Marilyn for the Three Travelers

1 comment:

  1. Hey sounds like you are living the dream and having such wonderful experiences. Thanks for taking us along via the blog. I know the puppies will be glad to be reunited for the next adventure. We have had a week of 70 degree weather. It has been really nice. Wishing you happy trails...
