Friday, February 18, 2011

iguanas, pelicans and roosters

These iguanas are serious dudes.  I was watching a small mangrove tree stand near the boat dock because the brown pelicans were dining at the fish cleaning dock, then flying over to the treetops to 'digest'.  I saw a branch moving around a lot, looked closely..... and saw a very large iguana just hanging out on the end of the branch.   Looked a little more closely and there were MANY iguanas in those trees ... as well as about a half dozen pelicans!   I'll try to get the picture on here tonite.
Also, on the dock where we ate at an open air cafe .... a big iguana ambled by while all the tourists snapped furiously (yes, had my camera); he was about 5 feet total including tail and was REAL ugly. We are told about 15 or 20 years ago a large number escaped (hurricane ?) or were pets just released; and today they are real pests for the keys.

Then, the other oddity ... is the roosters .... they are everywhere, loose on the streets, all over the whole island of Key West.  You can hear them crowing all the time, all day long. They are very streetwise and can maneuver thru traffic quite well.   Again 'we are told', that years ago cock fighting was outlawed, and the authorities said "turn them loose".   So they are loose and have multiplied greatly.  What is cute, (and kinda scary) is the mama hens with their little broods of chicks that you see in yards, on the beach, and this morning in the CVS parking lot I saw a woman stop traffic and heard the family back to a landscaped area. Later as I passed by the mama was just sitting under a bush while her chicks played nearby.

Marilyn for the Three Travelers

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