Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Iguanas !! ??

Nobody warned me I might encounter iguanas - I mean real, good sized lizards - in our campground !!
In the middle of the day, crossing the road in front of our car, was the most ugly creature I have seen lately.
He was about 2 1/2 to 3 feet long, orange head, green body, long forked tongue -- and I just was awestruck.  I thought surely this was someones pet that had escaped, so I stopped the car in the road, left the door open and walked back to the first people I found sitting out in their lawn chairs by their motorhome -- and I asked them "WHAT in the world is that, and is it lost or are they common around here?".   The answer was "oh, yeah, they are all over the place, they stay up in the trees most of the time; they won't bother you".   So now what worries me is we have a tree that covers part of our motorhome and comes right down over the door  .... I spend a lot of time looking up when I'm going and coming!

Took a glass bottom boat ride out to see the reefs - about 6 miles out - amazing !  But what really got me was when the captain said I was 132 miles from the US mainland, and only 84 miles from Cuba (closer to Cuba than to the closest WalMart).

We have treated ourselves to 2 days of doggie daycare (not us - the dogs); but it is nice to have a little break to be total tourists without a time schedule. Really interesting, historic place - and everybody rides bikes, scooters or walks. (And yes, Becky, I'm keeping my camera around my neck all the time now).

Marilyn for the Three Travelers


  1. Iguanas? Are they like mini alligators? Hey Girls...I heard on the tv this morning there are thousands of sharks off the coast of Florida. DON'T go near the water!
    Love your updates.

  2. Are we going to see picture of the iguana? Sounds like you are having a wonderful time. Thanks for the updates.
