Friday, February 25, 2011

Landscaping and U-turns

West Palm Beach is about the most beautiful city I have seen ... just for the landscaping. All the major streets and areas have really nicely done plantings, trees, waterfalls, etc.   I finally figured out it must be because we are in a major plant area (really inexpensive, home grown plants).  There are palm tree farms everywhere, many, many kinds of palms of all sizes growing row upon row. And even if a house has only an extra lot or small piece of property, they have it planted in palms.   Then driving in the rural areas you see workers harvesting celery, cabbage, and other vegetables, by hand.
We have been hanging out around West Palm (Petsmart, Sams, Costco, etc) enough now we sort of feel like locals .... kinda know our way around .... BUT, we still average at least a dozen u-turns per outing.  We joke about the differences in a "loop around", a "circle back", or just a quick u-turn. Point is we(that's me, the driver) miss the desired location a LOT.  But it gives us laughs.

1 comment:

  1. We call that seeing new territory. I must confess I, too, do that a lot. Thought you all would like to know Patsy and I ate lunch at El Gallo. I ordered the large nacho george and ate it all in honor of you. So consider yourself full this afternoon. How is the Mexican food in Florida. Quite different from here I would imagine.
    Love your updates.
