Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Heading Further South

Hello friends:  Well we are pulling up stakes (not too hard) and heading futher south tomorrow.  Going to a place called Belle Glade at the tip of Lake Okeechobee.  Plan to stay there a week at least.  Temperatures have been warm here ---lots warmer than Houston.  Saw you all were having some 'bad' weather.  We are getting some rain but nothing serious.

We have had some good laughs here in trying to get around Ocala.  Marilyn who usually has a great sense of direction "tumbled her gyros"  and has gotten us lost several times.  It is really quite a nice city -- the Horse Capital of the world -- more horses than people.  John Travolta has quite a spread here -- he has a very exclusive Aviation community  ie the residents drive their planes to their front door.  The name of the community is "Jumbolair " Aviation Estates.  That gives you an idea of big some of the planes are.

The horse farms are something to see.  Many of them are training facilities for race horses and they have their own race tracks.  The horse to watch for the  Kentucky Derby has been trained here - full name escapes me
(and us) but it is something Moe.

We have settled into the life of  full time RVing.  Talk about the fact that we don't have a schedule to keep and most of the time don't know what day of the week it is. 

This past week has been quiet and hasn't produced any real exciting 'sound bites'.  So will sign off for now and let you know about our stay in Belle Glade.

Vera (for the Three Travelers)


  1. Happy Belated Birthday Vera. Hope you had a warm and wonderful day. We are expecting snow tomorrow. Wish it would wait until Saturday. But Saturday the tempature is supposed to be back to 70. I, for one, will be happy to see it.
    Sounds like you girls are having fun and seeing lots of country. Hope you are taking lots of pictures.
    All is well here. We miss you and are glad to have the new website.

  2. Did someone leave a very cryptic message on our answering machine? The voice was Vera-like.

  3. Yes, Vera was trying not to rub it in about our weather differences; but she just couldn't help herself. Marilyn
