Saturday, October 27, 2012

Bangor, Maine

Well, this is starting to feel like home .... sort of.  That's a good thing .... since we have 10 more days to spend here.  Normally we would take off for some side trips and then return for Vera's appt. on the 5th; but since we have 'weather' predicted here (wind gusts 40-60 and lots of rain) we will just 'shelter in place'..... and pray there's no severe cold episodes.

Since I'm a little short on news of exciting adventures ...... I'll add a few additional pictures from down on Mount Desert Island, mostly in Acadia National Park.
These are from the top of Cadillac Mountain, with Bar Harbor below (with a couple of cruise ships in port).
You can see what I've been saying about the islands being solid rock, and shaped by the ancient glaciers.

These next two are Sand Beach in Acadia; and a view of the Penobscot River from an observation tower in Bucksport (which is at the head of a large bay a few miles inland).

These next three are of downtown area of Bangor.  The two houses (historical mansions) are representative of the French influence seen so much.  The last is a bad photo, but I wanted to show what the downtown 'flavor' is.


And last, a sample of the variation of color seen within a single tree.

Oh, I do have one more 'exciting' thing to report.  Our campground is about a half mile from the end of a runway at the Bangor airport.  The good news is Bangor International doesn't have a real heavy schedule of large commercial planes.  The bad news is the National Guard has a base there and shares the runway for its really big transports and refuelers (those big tankers that refuel the fighter planes in the air) that seem to run training shifts 24/7.  It literally wakes us up about 1:30 am every morning.  Other than that it is really quiet out here now that there are only two campers left in the park.

Later, Marilyn

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