Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Very sick motorhome

First, let me say that God is really protecting us.  We are here in Bangor, with an excellent repair shop that is willing to keep trying to find the motorhome "cutting out" problem.  And as more time goes by, the problem has gotten much worse.  It is now cutting out before you can drive it more than about six miles .... and, it won't restart.  Today, a repairman had taken it out on the road and they had to call a "big" wrecker to have it towed back in.

That could have been us out there somewhere.  And these guys are willing to keep working on it (even though they are losing money on the labor time). 
They have been working on it for over a week now, slowly eliminating potential causes .... the most recent was to borrow a "test" ECM (the computer that runs the engine) to see if that was the problem. It wasn't, so that told them the problem is not with the engine.... which leaves the wiring. They said the wiring diagrams for motorhomes are not always accurate..... and there is probably 50 to 60 miles of wiring in it!! .... they will start tomorrow.

Meanwhile we are still enjoying Bangor.  Art Galleries, library, coffee shops .... their downtown is very unique in that it is old (very old), but still very alive.  There are many newer midrise buildings sprinkled in among the old.  They have a huge multi-story parking garage right in the middle of downtown, which supports all the businesses that are still in all the upper floors, with retail on the first floors.  There are many lofts and apartments in the older buildings upper floors.  They have a large concert stage in the riverside park (which gets used a lot seems like). And the downtown is built on very steep hills.  The city of Bangor itself is probably about 50,000 population; but the metropolitan area is 300,000. It's large enough to be vital .... but small enough to feel "nice".

I'll keep you posted.

1 comment:

  1. Isn't that just like God to take you to a beautiful place and force you to rest awhile and enjoy His Handiwork. Praying MaMa Mia's ailment is diagnosed soon and accurately and under warranty.
