Saturday, October 20, 2012

rolling fog

There is a fjord that almost bisects the island of Mount Desert .... it is called Somes Sound.  It is the only fjord on the eastern coast, and is quite beautiful. It is also the home of some very wealthy people, tucked on the mountainsides along the shores. We drove the shore today in the drizzle, which I think makes the leaves more colorful.  We stopped at the end of the sound and watched as a fog bank came rolling over the mountain and down the slope.  Look at the mountainside in the picture to see the weird "wave" shape.

We stopped at the Jordan Pond Teahouse to have popovers and lemonade .... and shop of course.

One half of the island is crisscrossed with 45 miles of single lane "carriage trails" for use by equestrians, horse drawn carriages, bicycles, hikers .... and crosscountry skiers.  In 1913 John D. Rockefeller, Jr. built the broken stone roads and bridges in an effort to keep the island from being overrun by automobiles.  He then donated 10,000 acres of parkland, including a lot of the most scenic shoreline.  The trail bridges cross over the roads, with rather limited, specific access. The craftsmanship of the bridges is quite good:

Like I said, the fog had 'rolled in'.
Speaking of rolling .... we stopped back by to listen to the rocks roll; and I've decided the closest thing it sounds like is somewhere between these two sounds: a.) a car driving on ice crusted snow on a quite, still morning .... amplified many times, or b.) a truck pulling a log over sharp crushed gravel ... amplified many times.     I love the sound.
Here is a typical road view of the interior of the park roads:

Vera is scheduled to go back to the Bangor hospital on Wednesday to have her pacemaker battery replaced ..... outpatient basis.   Which is too bad, because the view of the Penobscot River from her hospital room was great:

As you can see, I've finally gotten the hang of inserting these photos .... aren't you glad?
Later, Marilyn

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