Friday, October 26, 2012

Hurricane ?? !!

We will be here in the Bangor area until Nov. 6th .... the day after Vera's followup doctor visit.  We are getting pretty nervous about getting caught here in the first winter storm...... but who would have figured we'd get cornered by a hurricane !   I say "cornered" because we'd probably run inland if there were a way to. But there's not really:  no freeways running east/west ... only one freeway and it runs down south into the hurricane path, or north up to the Canadian border.  The roads heading west are so slow (small state roads running thru a jillion small towns), that we'd still be "running" this time next month. So we are where we are.  At this point it seems the storm will come inland just about where we planned to be about two weeks from now..... plan adjustments are in order.

We are in a very pretty campground, which is closing "at the end of the month".  I think after this weekend we will be the only ones left here.  But the water gets turned off this coming Monday, then the sewer gets shut down, then on the following Monday the electricity gets turned off ...... so they gave us some discounts, and we'll just dry camp and use our generator occasionally.  But we will have the whole place to ourselves.  Good thing the moon is getting fuller, or it could get a little dark around here.
We took the coach out today and filled up with diesel (for the generator), and propane (for the heater ... 30 to 40 degree nights).

Later, Marilyn

1 comment:

  1. I've been concerned about you girls and Sandy meeting up close and personal. Praying Sandy changes her mind and makes a hard right turn and dies at sea.

    Sounds like next week will have challenges. Have you looked at each other and asked "Are we having fun?" lately.

    Be safe.
