Friday, October 19, 2012

rolling rocks

Vera is back with us .... she will go back Wednesday to have the battery replaced in her pacemaker.  We will probably be here in this area almost another week .... I know, we're pushing our luck with the winter weather!
Our campground here in Acadia National Park is about 1/4 mile from the lighthouse on the southernmost point of Mount Desert Island.  Right out here where the Atlantic waves give the land their best.
One of the most interesting phenomenon I've encountered is the sound of rolling rocks. After the surf crashes in, and as the water is receding; it carries the rocks back down the slope ... producing a rolling thunder sound .... I love it.   The rocks where I observed this were about the size of a cantalope .... more or less..  and really bring to reality the concept of erosion that I've known all my life.


The last two shots above are almost the same shot without surf, and then a moment later with surf. The rocks acutually move around.
Ok, so much for my geology lesson.
The next one is lobster boats bringing in their traps for the winter.

Everywhere you look you see preparations for winter:

Road color, and my substitute driver, Toby:

And one last shot of the beautiful surf:

Later, Marilyn

1 comment:

  1. Lovely pictures!! Vera, how many miles to the pacemaker battery? Can you get a rechargeable one? You could just plug in at night.
