Sunday, September 18, 2011

Ahh-h-h, Colorado !!

We left the high desert of northern New Mexico, and just slipped over the border (mountain passes) and into the southwest corner of Colorado ------ just exhilarating!  We are in Pagosa Springs for two days, to soak in the hot mineral pools and drive some of the mountain overlook roads ... maybe a short hike.  I just love this country (too bad they have winter).  We are just 60 miles east of Durango, which will be our next stop.

I still haven't gotten the hang of adding photos .... but here are two of the tent rocks back in Cochiti Lake area south of Santa Fe; and three of yesterdays hike in the Rio Grande Gorge south of Taos.

Rio Grande Gorge
Charlie on Rio Grande hike
Rio Grande

tent rocks

tent rocks

Later, Marilyn for the Three Travelers

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