Sunday, September 25, 2011

staying put

We spent a half day at Mesa Verde, explored Durango Historic Downtown ..... and decided we need to spend more time here (in Mancos, Colorado).

The campground we are in is actually a dude ranch (resort) in season but it closed Labor Day. The campsites are spread over the rolling mountainside in the tall Ponderosa pines, with views of mountain ranges all around. Our site is up on a small hill at the top, with a huge horse pasture behind (8 horses who like to play a lot ... it is fun watching them run) and many deer who come into the field to eat with the horses); a golf course down the hill, and many trails to walk the dogs ..... and Beautiful sunrises and sunsets over the mountains. So instead of trying to squeeze Grand Canyon in before being back in Albuquerque for the Balloon Festival, we decided to just 'stay put'.  Besides, it is relatively cheap, as campgrounds go .. (of course we are in the off season now).

So we made a new list of the things we still want to do around here:
Back to Mesa Verde for some hiking
Drive the San Juan Skyway (including the Million Dollar Highway)
Hovenweep Pueblo
Jeep tour of the Ute Mountain Tribal Park (remote, backcountry roads to more cliff dwellings)
Anasazi Heritage Center
Hike Dove Creek

This afternoon I sat outside and started a watercolor of the San Juan mountains behind us .... this is the life!
Anyone want to come travel with us ? let me know.  Want to join us in Albuquerque and travel back to Houston with us?
It's just like anything that a person enjoys .... you always want to share it with friends/ family.

San Juan Mountains near Durango, CO

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